October news

What it means to live with a disability….

Who else was inspired by watching the Paralympics this year?  Amazingly resilient and talented athletes putting on such a great show of athleticism but above all a sense of good sportsmanship and utter joy at the opportunity to be able to play their sport at the ultimate level.  I was struck with the achievements of these young people – for most of them just getting to the Games was enough, competing a bonus and winning an optional extra bonus.  For many of them – it seemed to be more about the journey and not  so much the destination.  Inspiring stuff and lessons there for all of us.

I have worked with many clients living with disability over the years and I have memories as a young physiotherapist of working with head injured patients at PA hospital, I worked in the spinal injury unit also at PAH and also worked with Stroke sufferers and amputees for the early part of my career.   As a young therapist, it can be quite daunting working with someone who loses their mobility  and independence – but my patients taught me as much as I helped them.  They taught me to take one day at a time and fight one battle at a time and eventually you start to see small but  positive change and this is what defines “rehabilitation” for me.  Loss of function can happen suddenly when there has been trauma or an accident, or the loss of function can come on slowly as with MS or other degenerative diseases.    Either way, there is a massive impact on many aspects of life with loss of strength, co-ordination, balance and the ability to move and get around independently.  Then there is the extra impact of pain that can often accompany devastating injury or disease.  Along with all of this comes the psycho-emotional impact and the economic challenges associated with living with a disability.  None of these are small challenges.

What inspires and continues to amaze me about working with someone with a disability is that with determination and support - most obstacles can be overcome or at least made smaller.  There is so much more support and awareness now within the community and the stigmas that used to be associated with disability are less and less.  Many people with significant disability make important contributions through work, sport , family and school involvement.  So this edition is dedicated to our clients living with disability – we admire your courage and strength.

Julie Campbell (Sports Physiotherapist )


This month we put a focus on “Living with disability”.  I recall the “International Year of the Disabled Person” that was declared by the United Nations  in 1981.  It called for a plan of action at the national, regional and international levels, with an emphasis on equalization of opportunities, rehabilitation and prevention of disabilities.  This campaign revealed for many of us what it’s like  living with disability and there has since been increased awareness and support for those living in our communities with disabilities.   The recent Paralympic games again drew attention in such a positive way to some of the challenges facing many and how these huge hurdles can be overcome.   Being able to assist someone in a positive way to live an easier more fulfilling life and maintain as much independence as possible is one of the reasons many physiotherapists do what they do.   It’s our pleasure and honor to work with such strong and amazingpeople.  We have 2 such clients at Revive and they are our clients of the month for October.

Have a great month - Jules



Book and pay for an initial physiotherapy appointment in October and you will receive a complimentary half hour massage

(Initial physiotherapy appointments are first visits for new clients and  bookings for new conditions for existing clients, massage appoinments are with Catalina only)


For existing reformer clients : 10 classes for $150 (Save $100) 

New reformer clients need to complete an intro reformer session before purchasing these packs.

Equipment Pilates Packs for Clare’s groups

           To introduce Clare Jacobson as our newest Studio instructor, we are offering a once off special pack of 10 groups for clients booking weekly groups with Clare.

10 Group classes for $300 (save $150)

Clare is available for group bookings Monday mornings and  Tuesday afternoon/evenings

Join us  in October to  support 2 good causes:

We’re walking again this year to raise money for MS.  Join us onOctober 21st for a walk though Southbank with Team Revive. www.moonlightwalk.com.au to register.

We’re also supporting Loud Shirt Day on the 14th October – wear your loudest shirt to Revive and pay a gold coin donation for the privilege!  All funds raised go to the “Hear and Say” foundation.

Community Assistance for those living with disability :  Who to contact

Home modifications

If you have a disability or condition that restricts your day-to-day living, it can affect your ability to remain living in your home. Sometimes, simple modifications can be the difference between staying at home and moving to specially designed premises.

There are Government-funded home modification services which provide help in this area.

Contact:  your local Community Access Point on 1800 600 300.

Disability Services Queensland helps people with a disability and their families to access a range of supports and services they need as they move through the different stages of their life.

To receive specialist disability services you need to meet certain eligibility criteria and will need to undergo an assessment.  Local Disability Services centre staff can provide information about eligibility, support available and how to apply.

For more informationgo to:  www.communities.qld.gov.au/disability


A new government initiative providing individualised support for people living with disability, their families and carers is currently being rolled out across Queensland.

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) will be a transition from Queensland Disability Services and will be available in Brisbane from July 1st, 2018.  It hopes to provide a new and more effective way for individuals to access support and links within their community.

For more information go to: www.ndis.gov.au

Life Without Barriers is a community based organisation that delivers disability services in more than 260 communities across Australia. LWB will works with an individual to set up supports and then how and when you would like them to be provided.  They have two main types of disability supports:  1) Shared and supported living   2) Lifestyle supports

Contact: QLD state office ph: (07) 3440 6300


We couldn’t choose between 2 of our favourite clients this month so we are having 2 clients being recognized this month.  Phillipa and Cathy are both amazing people who spend a lot of time with us at Revive.  We love both ladies and admire their courage and resilience in the face of many challenges.

Philippa Grady

Philippa is one of our clients who has a condition that creates challenges  for her on a daily basis. Philipa has Multiple System Atrophy.  MSA is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a combination of symptoms that affect both the autonomic nervous system (the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary action such as blood pressure or digestion) and movement.

Philippa works with Anne her physio to maintain her strength and function. Even though some days are tough, Philippa is persisting with her efforts to be the best she can be. 

Congratulations Philippa – well deserved –enjoy your massage xo

Cathy  O’Leary

Cathy is a friend of Julie’s and a beautiful soul who happens to have MS.  Cathy has been a client of Julie’s since 1990 back when Cathy was the manageress of the Lady Bullets basketball team and Julie was the  team physio.   Cathy works hard in the studio on her rehab program that  includes pilates based exercises and  also works on her balance and general mobility with Melanie her treating physio.  Cathy uses  regular massage and physiotherapy to keep on top of any niggles, aches and pains.

As Cathy faces new challenges and hurdles she does so with grace and good humour.  She’s an inspiration to all of us.

Congrats Cathy – enjoy your massage xo

Studio news:

The new floors are being laid in the reformer studio on the 14th October – we are looking forward to a fresher space for our reformer and mat classes. 

Our sponsored athletes have been achieving amazing results with Margo Mackintosh winning her age group a the World Triathlon championships in Mexico a couple fo weeks ago – congrats to Margo and Melanie her physio for a great team result!

