We are Open and it's safe to visit us

Here at Revive  we know your pain and physical problems don’t stop despite the current health emergency we are all facing. We want to make access to top quality treatment as easy and as safe as possible for you, your friends and your  family. 
 Firstly it is important to know the social distancing  rule DOES NOT APPLY in healthcare environments.  We are continuing to provide  ‘Hands on’  treatment, one on one and small group exercise classes.  We are also continuing to provide Exercise Physiology and Massage appointments. 
We will be providing some seating outside the clinic in the common areas and we will be offering you the option to wait for your appointment in your car and we will call you when our therapist is ready to see you.   Our staff will be regularly wiping down the lift buttons and surfaces as well as the railings of the stairs from Ground to level 1. 
We are also professionally trained to provide very effective ‘hands off’  Physiotherapy if you prefer.  Rest assured we take every  precaution to provide a safe healthy place for you to go for your  treatment and exercise. Our clinic is regularly cleaned and we have hand sanitizer, gloves and antibacterial/viral wipes and sprays readily available. Our staff are meticulous with  infection control through hand washing and repeatedly cleaning work  stations, treatment beds and gym equipment between users. We believe our  clinic is much safer than going to the shops. 
 Whilst most of  you are happy to continue your treatment within the clinic we just  wanted you to know we have other options for treatment including home visits and online consultations through the software PHYSITRACK if this suits your situation better.  
If you are unsure of what your best option is please get in touch and speak to one of our reception staff or speak with your regular therapist for guidance and advice.
Stay well, breath deeply, focus on what IS within your control  and trust that this too will pass. 
Julie CampbellManaging Director Revive Ashgrove