Revive's Back Pain Recovery Program
Sick of your back pain stealing all of the fun out of your life?
When you are ready to take first steps towards getting your life back we are here to help and guide you.
Pain is such an insidious thing ! It can't be seen but it can ruin your life. When you can't do the things you love and
can't enjoy yourself because you are in pain you can become withdrawn and depressed.
Also impacting your mood and life will be a lack of good restorative sleep - adding to feelings of overwhelm and hopelessness.
BUT - there is a way back from Back Pain and our BACK PAIN RECOVERY PROGRAM is designed to get you on track and back to feeling energetic and loving life again.
The program is ideally completed in 5 weeks and your financial investment is $999 (saving $275 off our usual prices) PLUS A 90 min practical and educational workshop with a physiotherapist (value $80) and a complimentary e-book