Staff update from Revive

We are excited about the changes that are happening at Revive this month and next month as some staff return from maternity leave and extended time abroard and we welcome a brand new physio as well to the team.

MelissaTattum will be returning to work after her maternity leave and she will be available Monday afternoons and during the day on Thursdays.  Mel's areas of interest are in the management of dance injuries, pre-pointe assessments and all musculo-skeletal issues.

Allie Boot (naturopath and massage therapist) is returning to Revive on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  Having worked at Revive for many years before leaving towork in the UK, Allie bringsback her unique skill set of massage therapy and naturopathy. She is also studying acupuncture and will soon be able to offer this service along side massage and naturopathy.

Anouska Edwards is also returning after a long (almost 4 year ) stint in the UK -Anouska is a Sports Physiotherapist with extensive experience working with British cycling for the last 4 years.  She has a keen interest in all musc-skeletal issues and will be available for limited appointments on Tuesdays and Wendnesdays for the remainder of this year and then for increasing availabilty next year.

Alex Tomkins (our newest recruit) will also join us early next month.  Alex is relocating from Rockhampton where she has worked since graduating from physio 3 years ago.  Alex has an interest in all musculo-skeletal conditions and in particular dance injury managment.

Please call us to discuss appointment with any of our new and returning staff and for more information about their availability.  We are looking forward to an exciting year next year as we continue to build and cement our team to ensure you have access to the very best of care at Revive.