July News from Revive

June was Scoliosis awareness month, and although we missed promoting this in June it's important enough to shout out about it this month.
As our kids are no longer screened at school for scoliosis we are finding our young ones (mostly girls) falling through the cracks and not being diagnosed early - early diagnosis equals better outcomes and more treatment options!
So for the school holidays we are offering gap free 15 min scoliosis checks for your kids. it's a quick and simple process and if we detect anything of concern we will refer on for more tests and to a specialist if need be.
Scoliosis is 10 times more prevalent in girls than boys and they should routinely be checked in Grades 3 and 5 for the best chance of early detection and better outcomes. Scoliosis can be passed on from Mother to daughter so if there is a family history it is prudent to have your girls checked.
Staff News
Meet Maeve, one of our new physiotherapists based at Ashgrove. Maeve has a background in working with orthopedic and post-op rehab. Maeve also has a special interest in pre and post-natal Pilates and has worked in equine and animal physio as well.

David has a background working in elite sport. Having worked in the championship first division of English football academies, working his way up to head of academy medicine. He has a keen interest in laying out a step by step graded exposure plan to patients for them to reach their overall goals.
Meet Amy, our newest Exercise Physiologist. Amy is passionate about all things health and exercise and has a strong interest in rehab for chronic disease management including metabolic disorders and cancer rehab as she works alongside Meg our Oncology Physio and the rest of our physio team.

Meet Mandy our newest receptionist at West End. Mandy comes from a background in admin and more recently hospitality. Mandy is a passionate animal lover and is a lovely addition to our admin team. Mandy thrives on being organised and accurate and we welcome her skills to the West End front desk.
One of our new reception team members at West End, Georgie has just under 10 years customer service experience in the retail industry. With an eye for detail and an interest in organisation and marketing we know she will be a great addition to the West End clinic. Georgie has a passion for team sports and has enjoyed participating in basketball, netball, rowing and Aussie rules football.

Monthly Special

What is happening in July?

July is Sarcoma awareness month:
This year's theme 'Go Yellow Anywhere for Sarcoma Awareness' highlights the word 'anywhere' as sarcoma is a unique cancer that can form anywhere in the body.
Each year, hundreds will be diagnosed with a type of sarcoma and will go through a challenging experience – often a long and hard journey to
getting better through grueling cycles of treatment.
At Revive, our oncology physiotherapist Megan treats multiple Sarcoma patients. This month gives us the opportunity to stand in solidarity
with the Sarcoma community of Revive and spread awareness.
If you know of anyone fighting this battle. Megan is a great resource to get in touch with.
To see how you can get involved this month, visit the website below:

9 -15 July is National Diabetes Week:
At Revive, we have strong connection to the Queensland Diabetes community as hosts of the BEAT IT program each year. This week allows us to
raise awareness of those at risk of or struggling with Diabetes.
To hear more information from the Diabetes community visit the website below:

24 - 30 July is National Pain week:
Chronic Pain Australia wants to draw attention to the experience of people living with chronic pain and, by doing so, reduce the social and other barriers related to living and managing chronic pain.
As a Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology based clinic, everyday we see patients who struggle with chronic and ongoing pain. At Revive, our
role is to help manage complex persistent pain. The approach to this is multi-modal and requires a team approach and an understanding
of pain and pain science. At Revive we keep abreast of the latest research into chronic pain to we can best support those in our
community who experience chronic pain so they can return to doing the things they love.
For more information visit the link below: